World Vision Lanka’s Nuwara Eliya Area Program (AP), a MenCare partner, recently conducted its annual graduation from the MenCare program in the Hill Country of Sri Lanka. After participating in 11 sessions to build gender-equitable parenting and caregiving skills, a total of 225 fathers graduated from the program, modeled on MenCare’s Program P.
During the event, graduating fathers held candles and read an oath in front of their children, wives, and peers, promising to live a good life, to be a loving husband, and to be a caring father. The men also promised to support their wives by equitably sharing household activities and taking care of their children. The graduates received certificates for completing the MenCare program, as well as photographs of themselves with their families.
Nearly 1,000 individuals attended the annual graduation, including community members, government officials, tea-plantation managers, and other stakeholders. The size of the audience was evidence of MenCare’s success in inspiring men, their families, and their communities to promote men’s caregiving, family well-being, and gender equality in Sri Lanka.