COMEN pilots MenCare activities in 8 locations in DRC

COMEN-DRC-PosterThe Congo Men’s Network (COMEN) has piloted MenCare activities in eight different locations in the North Kivu province of DRC, reaching a total of 480 people, including 324 adult men, through workshops and focus group discussions thus far. COMEN is a men’s organization advocating for positive masculinity and positive fatherhood, as well as for eliminating all forms of sexual and gender-based violence.

COMEN’s initiatives include the distribution of visual aids, such as MenCare posters, banners, leaflets and brochures. Its workshop discussions focus on sensitizing men and boys about positive fatherhood, preparing them to stand up against gender-based violence and reviewing their understanding of gender equality.

COMEN also participated in a three-day festival on peace held in Goma, in eastern DRC, from February 14 to February 16. The festival allowed COMEN to share its activities with the Governor of the North Kivu province, representatives from the UN and the World Bank and local and international journalists.