Research on Russian Men as Fathers is Available in English

The report, “Impact of Gender-Sensitive Social Services on the Transformation of Parental Values and Practices in Today’s Russia,” based on research conducted by Alexander Malyshev in 2014, is now available for English readers. The study, conducted among fathers’ group attendees in St. Petersburg, is one of only a few in Russia that analyze men’s roles as fathers after the Soviet state.

On January 31st the author presented his findings in St. Petersburg: Having analyzed fathers’ engagement based on various parental practices, Malyshev concluded that men in fatherhood groups demonstrated greater involvement in childcare practices in comparison with men who did not attend such sessions. The attendees were more engaged in child care (21.4%), playing with their children (26.2%), taking their babies outdoors (23.3%) and cooking for their babies (13.3%).

The research in English can be requested free of charge by sending an email to by March 30th, 2014.