MenCare Leader in Chile Gives Interview About Fatherhood

A MenCare Latin America promotional poster of father and babyPsychologist Francisco Aguayo who leads the MenCare campaign in Chile with EME and CulturaSalud gave an interview to the Peruvian magazine ‘Boletin Info Familias,’ which is published by Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations. He presented the MenCare campaign in Latin America, entitled “Campaña de Paternidad: Tú eres mi papa,” and analyzed recent advancements in public policies for fatherhood.

One of Aguayo’s main concerns is the paternity leave policy in Chile. The leave has recently been extended from 2 to 5 days but it excludes fathers with informal jobs, which is the case of many men in the country. Aguayo’s suggestion is a one-month leave that includes all fathers and takes place once the child is six months old: “It’s the best way to motivate men to participate in fatherhood and to get involved, so that we can advance in gender equality and co-responsibility.”

Read the interview here.