From November 25 to December 10, thousands of organizations around the world participated in the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence Campaign. MenCare joined these voices in advocating and acting against gender-based violence (GBV).
The 16 Days Campaign aims to raise awareness, strengthen local and national programs, and advocate for government policies to eliminate all forms of violence against women. The theme of the 2015 Campaign was “From Peace in the Home to Peace in the World: Make Education Safe for All!”
In addition to the powerful work our partners do every day, MenCare participated in 16 Days online by sharing quotes from around the world about the important role men – as caregivers and fathers – can play in ending gender-based violence in their homes and communities.
See each inspirational quote below, and follow us on Facebook and Twitter for more on the campaign. We shared one quote each day from November 25 to December 10.
Day 1: November 25
“Let’s shift the intergenerational cycle of violence to an intergenerational cycle of caregiving.” – Kopano Ratele, Sonke Gender Justice, South Africa

Day 2: November 26
“Mobilizing fathers and caregivers plays an important role in promoting nonviolence in the family and the positive well-being of women, girls, and all family members.” – John Crownover, Care International Balkans, the Balkans

Day 3: November 27
“Involving men in committed, responsible, and empathetic fatherhood greatly reduces violence against children and women.” – Darío Ibarra Casals, Campaña De Paternidad, Uruguay

Day 4: November 28
“Together we can help both men and women stand up for their rights and support them to become the best version of themselves for tomorrow.” – Seemal Saeed, Human Rights Activist, Pakistan

Day 5: November 29
“Fathers can play an important role in teaching equality and respect to their children, breaking cycles of violence.” – Ruti Levtov, Equimundo, United States

Day 6: November 30
“As one of our messages says: “A real man has a strong hand” – the strength of support and care, to create and not to destroy, and to prepare his kids to become involved and nonviolent future partners and parents.” – David Kiuranov, Асоциация Родители/ Association Roditeli, Bulgaria

Day 7: December 1
“I learned from my childhood and decided not to accept any violence in my family.” – Father, Bangladesh
Day 8: December 2
“We need more SUPER DADS: fathers who are active in their children’s lives, responsible, caring, nonviolent, and affectionate. As such, they play a pivotal role for the next generation of super heroes: young people who will become the heroes of their own lives and heroes of their communities.” – Branko Birač, Centar E8, Serbia

Day 9: December 3
“Fatherhood is a sacred opportunity and responsibility to answer the question: How will I promote global peace and equality through my role as a father?” – John Engel, Healthy Men and Boys Network, United States of America

Day 10: December 4
“Promoting a culture where men and boys are able to play the role of caring and nonviolent caregivers is the key to prevent all forms of violence globally.” – Marco Aurélio Martins, Equimundo, Brazil

Day 11: December 5
“A caring man does not commit any violence.” – David, Indonesia

Day 12: December 6
“Engaging men as fathers to promote quality parenting strengthens the foundation for the reduction of domestic violence.” – Endrit Uligaj, ZDB, Albania

Day 13: December 7
“What men do as fathers and caregivers every day can either create cycles of violence or interrupt those cycles.” – Gary Barker, Equimundo, United States

Day 14: December 8
“To achieve family well-being, we should be free from violence.” – Fifi, Indonesia

Day 15: December 9
“Gender-based violence destroys the peacefulness of families, and psychologically affects both women and children. Engaging men to prevent violence can help to restore those relationships for a better future.” – Ashok Kumar, World Vision Lanka, Sri Lanka

Day 16: December 10
“Gender-based violence (GBV) is traumatizing, and addressing it is a matter of uprooting its causes and all other related issues, especially men’s attitudes toward GBV.” – Josephine Umwiza, RWAMREC, Rwanda