The MenCare Global Meeting 2017, held in Belgrade, Serbia on June 8–10, featured a “Global Fatherhood Photo and Poster Exhibition” with contributions from more than 16 MenCare partners around the world.
From Peru to South Africa, from Indonesia to Serbia, many men are taking a greater role in unpaid care. The exhibition’s photos and posters aim to spread positive images of men as fathers and as caregivers.
The personal photos illustrate that being a father means more than earning an income and that men have the capacity to provide unconditional love and emotional support to their partners and their children, as well as to be equal partners at home: whether that means picking up a broom or changing a diaper.
MenCare presented its “Global Fatherhood Photo and Poster Exhibition” alongside the Swedish Dads exhibition, which features portraits of fathers who choose to stay home with their babies for at least six months by photographer Johan Bävman. The Swedish Dads exhibition is produced by the Swedish Institute (SI) in cooperation with the Embassy of Sweden in Serbia.
See a selection of the photos and posters from the MenCare exhibition below, and check out more posters from MenCare partners here.
- “Fathers care, children grow.” Photo by AHMET Görsev for AÇEV, Turkey.
- “Konstantin Grigoriev and his daughter Elina.” Photo by Tatiana Grigorieva, Russia.
- “I’m so lucky that you’re my dad.” Poster by Centar E8, Serbia.
- “Social event: Daddy, read to me!” Photo by UNFPA (Photographer: The Gate Agency), Ukraine.
- “Sharing the housework: Christian and Santiago.” Photo by Alexandra Grau/Eduardo Carcamo, Plataforma de Paternidades Peru.
- “Participants of the contest Responsible Fatherhood.” Photo by UNFPA, Kyrgyzstan.
- “You Support The Health Of Our Family. You Are My Husband.” Poster by Concern Worldwide Zambia (Photographer: Abel Mambwe).
- “Being a father, it is an art.” Poster by Centrs Dardedze, Latvia.
- “I like that you respect my Mom. You are my Dad.” Photo by Redmas, Puntos de Encuentro, Nicaragua.
- “What does my family mean to me?” Photo by Mrs. Virginia Ruan, Oak Foundation, and MenCare Bulgaria.
- “You’re brave enough to hold me. You are my dad.” Poster by Sonke Gender Justice, South Africa.
- “You take care of me. You are my father.” Poster by Instituto Equimundo, Brazil.
- “My wife and I plan our family together.” Poster by Bandebereho/MenCare+ Rwanda.
- “Dedicated to accompanying me in pregnancy, that’s my husband!” Poster by Laki Laki Peduli, Indonesia.
- “Share the daily care of your son or daughter.” Poster by EME/CulturaSalud and UNICEF Chile.