On September 1-2, 2017, MenCare partner Instituto Equimundo participated in the Third National Seminar on Parenting and Early Childhood (III Seminário Nacional Paternidades e Primeira Infância) in São Paulo, Brazil.
On the first day of the seminar, Milena do Carmo, Equimundo’s MenCare coordinator in Brazil, moderated the session “Diverse Fatherhood,” which featured a presentation on imprisoned fathers by Markinhus Souza of the National Movement of Street Boys and Girls (Movimento Nacional de Meninos e Meninas de Rua, or MNMMR) and a presentation on same-sex parenting and adoption by Fábio Paranhos, who is a father and activist in the field. On the second day, Milena facilitated a workshop on “Education for Gender Equality,” along with Mariana Azevedo from Instituto Papai.
Learn more about the Second National Seminar on Parenting and Early Childhood, held in 2016, here.