MenCare partners in Brazil celebrate Father’s Month in August with research and advocacy

Graphic from MenCare Brazil's Father's Month campaign in August 2016.
Father’s Month graphic that reads: “Women carry out at least 2.5 times more unpaid domestic and care work than men do. Men need to take responsibility for their fair share of the household chores and childcare. In other words, half of it!”

In Brazil, Father’s Day is celebrated each year on the second Sunday of August. This year, Equimundo, Instituto Papai, and other MenCare partners in Brazil are using the entire month of August to draw attention to the importance of men’s active engagement in fatherhood and caregiving.

Brazil’s MenCare campaigns include Você é meu Pai (“You Are My Father,” in English), which is the Brazilian adaptation of the global MenCare campaign, and Dá licença, eu sou pai (“Excuse me, I’m a father,” in English), which advocates for the expansion of paid paternity leave in Brazil. Throughout the month, both campaigns are using social media to discuss progress and challenges related to expanding paternity leave and other policies that promote shared caregiving in Brazil.

To close out the month, on August 30 and 31, Brazil’s National Early Childhood Network (Rede Nacional Primeira Infância, in Portuguese, or RNPI) will hold its Second National Seminar on Parenting and Early Childhood, which will feature the launch of the State of Brazil’s Fathers report.
