The MenCare global poster series, first created in 2011 when MenCare was launched, carries the 10 foundational images and messages of the campaign. …
The MenCare global poster series, first created in 2011 when MenCare was launched, carries the 10 foundational images and messages of the campaign. …
The World Vision Lanka - Ambagamuwa Area Programs (AP) graduation ceremony was held on Sunday, September 15, at Maskeliya PMD Hall. …
Society for the Improvement of Rural People (SIRP) decided to undertake a project to end FGM/C, with support from the global venture philanthropy fund, Rockflower, earlier this year. …
Equimundo, as a co-coordinator of MenCare: A Global Fatherhood Campaign, launched the third State of the World’s Fathers report on June 5 at the Women Deliver 2019 Conference in Vancouver, Canada. The event was co-hosted by Equimundo and Unilever, Dove Men+Care, in advance of Father’s Day in many countries around the world. Other international launches, …
Society for Equality, Respect And Trust for All Sabah (SERATA) recognized fathers who are present in their children’s lives through their inaugural “Celebrating Fatherhood” campaign, which coincided with Father’s Day in June. …
Watch this MenCare: A Global Fatherhood Campaign webinar to learn how to use the global State of the World’s Fathers (SOWF) 2019 report to catalyze national advocacy and action to advance men’s caregiving and gender equality. The webinar was recorded in the lead up to the launch of the SOWF 2019 report on June 5 at the Women Deliver 2019 Conference in Vancouver, Canada. …