Men and Boys for Gender Equality (MBGE), an organization in Botswana, calls on governments to develop policies for granting parental leave. …
Men and Boys for Gender Equality (MBGE), an organization in Botswana, calls on governments to develop policies for granting parental leave. …
MenCare aims to engage fathers from the very beginning of their children’s lives in positive, equitable parenting and as allies in gender equality overall. Becoming a father can be a transformative moment, through which men’s roles as active parents can support family wellbeing, gender equality, and better health for mothers, fathers, and children. It’s a …
Today, June 5, MenCare launches the State of the World’s Fathers 2019 report, revealing new data and analysis from over 40 countries and recommendations to close the unpaid care gap. The third State of the World’s Fathers report launches today at the Women Deliver 2019 Conference in Vancouver, Canada, at an event co-hosted by Equimundo with …
Happy Mother’s Day! From our partners in over 50 countries globally, today and every day we celebrate the incredible role that mothers play in the lives of their children. Whether you are a biological mother or an adoptive one, an aunt, grandmother, teacher, coach, or a role model to a child in your life, thank …
On International Day of Happiness, MenCare global co-coordinators Equimundo and Sonke Gender Justice and MenCare partner Rutgers launched a new animated video, created through the Prevention+ program, to promote happier, healthier relationships and gender-equal societies without violence. Prevention+ is a five-year, multi-country program that envisions a world where healthy, respectful, and equal relationships are the norm. …
It’s hard to believe that next week, you’ll turn two years old. The day you were born seems like yesterday. You were so beautiful and innocent. You were healthy. We knew we were lucky. In those first precious hours of life, you slept soundly on your mother’s chest. I watched you in the darkness, quietly, in awe. …