This interview with Ronald Digalo, a father of two, was conducted by Gustavo Benítez of Asociación Igualdad, a MenCare partner in Paraguay. Asociación Igualdad is a nongovernmental organization founded in 2006. One of its goals, through its Soy Papá (“I’m A Dad”) campaign started in 2016, is to promote responsible fatherhood, including through advancing men’s caregiving; promoting equal sharing of domestic duties; and preventing violence against children, teenagers, and women.
Men today have a problem. Many of us want to be fully engaged parents. And many of us believe in gender equality, at home and in the workplace. But when we start families, we struggle turning thought into action. Globally, a dramatic disparity still exists between the amount of care work done by men compared to women: in fact, women do more than twice as much care work as men do in every region of the world. In some regions, it’s more than six times as much. …
From the parents on whom you depended in the first days after you were born, to the nurses who’ll likely become an ever more frequent fixture of your final years, care — and caregivers — are integral to all of our lives. …
The series consists of practical, how-to guides that include step-by-step processes and worksheets to help guide partners' work to challenge and change harmful gender norms through comprehensive approaches. The guides are widely applicable and easily adaptable across a variety of thematic areas of work, providing partners with the tools to develop skills and action plans for their communications, advocacy, and engagement with key stakeholders. …
For the past two decades, MenCare partner AÇEV in Turkey has been making strides to engage fathers to increase their role in their children’s lives, having identified fatherhood as an entry point for broader social change toward gender equality at home and at work. The organization’s efforts have followed three primary strategies: father-support programs, private-sector engagement, and evidence-based publications. …
On 29 November 2018, the Constitutional Court will consider the constitutionality of the use of corporal punishment in the home. The Constitutional Court has prohibited corporal punishment in detention settings in 1995 and in schools in 2000, and this case presents the opportunity to prohibit its use in the home. …