We asked 100 MenCare partners, practitioners, activists, and researchers from 50 countries to provide advice for fathers. What emerged was an abundance of thoughtful recommendations for gender-equitable caregiving for fathers and for all male caregivers, including those men who play influential roles in children’s lives as family members, teachers, coaches, and more. In recognition of …
The European Commission is currently considering a Directive on Work-Life Balance for Parents and Carers, with the goal of allowing parents and other caregivers to better balance work and family lives and of encouraging more equitable sharing of caregiving between women and men. The directive would introduce 10 working days of paternity leave and 5 …
MenCare partners from across Latin America participated in the launch of “Los papás de hoy” (“The Dads of Today”) photo exhibition at the National Museum of Ethnography and Folklore (MUSEF) in La Paz, Bolivia in January 2018. The exhibition captured the day-to-day moments of modern fatherhood in Bolivia: fathers taking care of their children, playing …
In Italy, MenCare partner Parteciparte is using its Theatre of the Oppressed to engage men and boys in exploring positive and caring forms of masculinity. Proving successful in Rome, the play “Uomini Che Provano” [“Men Who Try”] is now being performed in local community venues across the country. The play features a range of topics …
On June 13, 2018, the MenEngage Uganda Network and Sonke Gender Justice, in collaboration with the Embassy of Sweden in Kampala, hosted an event featuring the 2017 State of the World’s Fathers: Time for Action report, produced by Equimundo as a MenCare publication. Sonke Gender Justice and Equimundo serve as the global MenCare campaign’s co-coordinators. The report studies …
Globally, women make up about half of the workforce, but they’re still spending over twice as much time on childcare and domestic work as men are. At MenCare, we believe that true equality will only be reached when men are taking on 50% of the world’s childcare and domestic work; however, estimates say that at …