A growing and overwhelming body of evidence confirms that engaged fatherhood is good for children, good for women, and good for men themselves. But not many fathers know it. In the majority of Sri Lankan families, cooking, feeding, washing, cleaning, and bringing up children is perceived as a woman’s responsibility. …
MenCare partner Il Giardino dei Padri is a network of organizations working on fatherhood and caregiving in Italy. Its members include associations that are grounded in the field of gender studies, as well as organizations with years of experience working with men of all ages. With initiatives such as Il Cerchio dei Papà (The Dads’ …
With the motto, “Prio Baba: Responsible Father, Happy Family, Prosperous Country,” the Prio Baba (“Dear Father”) campaign in Bangladesh has successfully completed a 21-month research initiative carried out by MenCare partner Center for Men and Masculinities Studies (CMMS). The initiative was implemented by CMMS and funded by the UBS Optimus Fund, with technical support from …
If we can find an answer to the question of greater involvement by fathers in the care of their children, millions of women and children will benefit from better care and dads themselves will have an improved quality of life. …
In advance of Father’s Day, MenCare launched the State of the World’s Fathers: Time for Action report, produced by Equimundo, at a series of events in June and July 2017. The report reveals what has stalled progress toward global gender equality and outlines a bold agenda forward for men and boys doing fully 50 percent of the world’s …
Recognizing the increasing need and demand for referrals of perpetrators from other cities in Albania, in April 2017, Woman to Woman and Counselling Centre for Women and Girls – in cooperation with the Ministry of Social Welfare and Youth and with the financial support of IAMANEH – initiated a two-year national training cycle. …