2017 is the second year that the MenCare campaign in Georgia celebrates Father’s Day in June. The MenCare campaign in Georgia is an initiative of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Georgia Country Office in partnership with the non-governmental organization (NGO) We Care, implemented within the framework of the United Nations Joint Programme for Gender …
In Telavi, Georgia, MenCare partners held a public book-reading event in April 2017 within the framework of the MenCare campaign. Mr. Karl Kulessa, UNFPA representative in Turkey and the Country Director in Georgia, and Mr. Alexandre Lortkipanidze, a Georgian TV presenter and screenwriter, read stories to primary school students at Telavi Public School #1. The …
For men, and for those men who are fathers, it is not easy to change the traditional gender values that have become internalized in their attitudes and behaviors and that are dominant in society. When a man embarks on a journey of change toward less conventional values, he endures a personal process of transition that …
On April 27, MenCare partners led a training on the campaign’s Program P methodology in Moscow, Russia for participants from Training Institute, a local nongovernmental organization (NGO). Program P is a toolkit providing concrete strategies and activities to engage men in active, equitable fatherhood and caregiving. Trainings on the Program P manual, which was recently …
In May 2017, World Vision Lanka’s Nuwara Eliya Area Program in Sri Lanka organized a MenCare Family Retreat – a two-day residential program – for MenCare fathers’ group participants and their families. Men from the community who had completed six sessions based on MenCare’s Program P were invited to participate in the retreat, along with their …
In Turkey, MenCare partner AÇEV began a series of research, advocacy, and campaign activities in April 2017 to engage key stakeholders from all parts of society in transforming fatherhood and promoting gender equality, including increasing awareness among fathers about their role in childcare, child development, and equitable parenting. Through a range of local and national …