Vijayasundaram, at 42 years old, like many of his peers, used to drink during and after his work on a Sri Lankan tea estate. He would spend his earnings on alcohol, without budgeting for other needs or spending time at home with his family. However, all of that changed after Vijayasundaram participated in the MenCare …
MenCare partner AMAL Human Development Network, with the support of Trócaire Pakistan, has led a qualitative research study on fathers’ roles in preventing gender-based violence. The study’s results, published as a research brief, explore what Pakistan’s fathers believe (and how they behave) when it comes to caregiving, household participation, and gender-based violence (GBV). The study …
During the past month, MenCare’s partner in Serbia, Center E8, launched a new email newsletter about fatherhood and caregiving, as part of its “Super Dad” campaign. The first issue was released at the end of July 2016. Each “Super Dad” newsletter features an article by a well-known father writing about his experiences, his family, and …
In Brazil, Father’s Day is celebrated each year on the second Sunday of August. This year, Equimundo, Instituto Papai, and other MenCare partners in Brazil are using the entire month of August to draw attention to the importance of men’s active engagement in fatherhood and caregiving. Brazil’s MenCare campaigns include Você é meu Pai (“You …
Women's unequal share of unpaid care work - necessary yet uncompensated childcare and housework - is a critical component of their economic inequality. It prevents women from participating equally in the labour market and affects the type, location, and nature of paid work they can take on. …
As a result of the high rate of absent fatherhood in South Africa, women are bearing the burden of raising children, and children are growing up without the positive influence of a second caregiver. This is one of the reasons why MenCare partner and global co-coordinator Sonke Gender Justice is working to get fathers in South Africa more involved. …