World Vision Lanka’s Nuwara Eliya Area Development Program (ADP) in Sri Lanka conducted a two-day MenCare family retreat in June 2016. Men who had completed six group sessions (based on MenCare’s Program P) were given the opportunity to attend the retreat, joined by their partners and children. In total, 50 adults and 68 children participated. During the …
World Vision Lanka’s Ambagamuwa Area Development Program (ADP) in Sri Lanka was the first in the country to carry out MenCare programming. Building on four years of experience, the Ambagamuwa ADP is now helping others begin work with fathers in new areas. In July 2016, the Ambagamuwa ADP organized a two-day “Training of Trainers” program at the …
While widely celebrated in Russia, Father’s Day remains an unofficial holiday. In June 2016, MenCare partners celebrated by taking part in festivities held across the country. The cities of Moscow, Novosibirsk, and Orenburg celebrated Father’s Day with festivals called “FatherFest.” And, for the fifth year, St. Petersburg organized an urban celebration entitled “Daddy-Starts.” Events included …
This year, MenCare partners in Bulgaria – and in many countries around the world – celebrated Father’s Day on June 19. After the day came to a close, Association Roditeli’s David Kiuranov, coordinator of Bulgaria’s national MenCare campaign, looked back on the holiday’s significance and the importance of engaging men in caregiving. In this blog, he shares his reflections. …
Equimundo-Europe, in collaboration with the Centre for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra and the Coimbra School of Nursing, launched its first report on the State of Involved and Nonviolent Fatherhood in Portugal at “Big Plans for Equality,” the fourth meeting of health professionals hosted by the Association for Family Planning in Lisbon on May 31. …
MERGE for Equality, a new MenCare partner in the United States, is a recently formed organization based in western Massachusetts that seeks to engage individuals and communities in transforming masculinity to advance gender equality. MERGE was created out of the 35-year legacy of the Men’s Resource Center for Change and Men’s Resources International, as well …