In advance of Father’s Day, Equimundo launched the first-ever State of America’s Fathers report as a MenCare publication. From New York to Los Angeles and Washington D.C., the country’s leading influencers, policymakers, and game-changers took an honest look at what it means to be a dad in the United States today, how it’s different than ever before, and …
In no country in the world are men doing as much childcare or domestic work as women are. Globally, women are spending more than twice as much time as men on unpaid care work. These unequal care responsibilities are a barrier to gender equality, to economic opportunities and development, and to the full realization of …
MenCare partners, as part of the Peruvian “Plataforma de Paternidades,” launched a new, national fatherhood campaign in Lima at an event hosted by the Peruvian Ministry of Women on June 13. The Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations is a member of the newly formed Plataforma de Paternidades …
In May 2016, the Swedish Embassy in Kampala organized the photo competition “Ugandan Dads” to highlight caring male role models, and to spark a discussion on gender equality more broadly. The photos portray fathers with their children and men who are actively engaged in household work. The Embassy received over 150 contributions from the Ugandan …
Globally, there continues to be tension between the home and the workplace, and parents – especially those with young children – must grapple with difficult decisions when balancing employment and family. Particularly in South Africa, sociocultural norms play an important role in shaping family structures and attitudes towards fatherhood and male involvement. …
World Vision Lanka’s Nuwara Eliya Area Development Program (ADP) in Sri Lanka conducted a two-day MenCare family retreat program in May 2016. Participants included young fathers and mothers from vulnerable families who reported having conflict, in part due to alcohol abuse. By the end of the MenCare family retreat program, many men realized that excessive alcohol …