Co-Coordinators Editorial MenCare 50/50 Commitment for Employers MenCare 50/50 Commitment applications are now open! We are accepting Expressions of Interest from businesses to be included in the 2023 cohort of the MenCare 50/50 Commitment for Employers. To sign the Commitment, employers must have tangible plans or show progress on two or more of the following: …
Greetings MenCare partners and colleagues. As we are drawing closer towards the end of 2022, I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation to each one of you for the amazing work that you are doing in your countries to promote the global fatherhood campaign. This year has been an amazing one with the Co-Coordinators …
Coming out of a 10-year internal review of the MenCare Campaign, the global co-coordinators, Equimundo: Center for Masculinities and Social Justice and Sonke Gender Justice, are seeking to shift the campaign’s work to address some of the concerns raised in the review. In June 2022, several MenCare partner organizations convened in Coimbra, Portugal. At this …
Written by: Kate Doyle, Equimundo Fellow and Emmanuel Karamage, RWAMREC In Rwanda, efforts have been ongoing to take the gender transformative Bandebereho intervention to scale through the health sector, with the long-term aim of making the intervention available to all families nationwide. Bandebereho, adapted from Program P, engages men in promoting maternal, newborn and child …
On June 15, 2021, MenCare launched the State of the World’s Fathers 2021 report, exploring the persistent individual and structural challenges – and providing recommendations for addressing them – that contribute to the unequal distribution of care work. The fourth State of the World’s Fathers report launches today as part of the MenEngage Ubuntu Symposium, …
Results from new MenCare Switzerland study show that Swiss media were significantly more interested in the topic of male care engagement in 2020 than 2010. …