World Vision Lanka’s Nuwara Eliya Area Development Program (ADP) has been carrying out MenCare programming since January 2015, working with men and their families in the Sri Lankan plantation community to promote gender equality and family wellbeing. As part of the fathers’ group education, young fathers aged 25-40 participate in 11 group education sessions, and …
Although there is increasing recognition of fathers’ roles in the daily care of their children, in Peru there is still a strong belief that only women – or mainly women – should bear the primary responsibility for childcare and domestic work. This belief is evidenced, for example, in Peru’s National Time Use Survey, which found …
MenCare Bulgaria held its third annual Father’s Week – one of the campaign’s major public events – from November 9 to November 15 this year, reaching dozens of communities and hundreds of individuals across the country. The slogan of this year’s celebration was “A Model Father,” which aimed to communicate that every father or significant …
From November 25 to December 10, thousands of organizations around the world participated in the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence Campaign. MenCare joined these voices in advocating and acting against gender-based violence (GBV). The 16 Days Campaign aims to raise awareness, strengthen local and national programs, and advocate for government policies to eliminate all forms …
CARE International Balkans and its regional partners organized a conference on MenCare, fatherhood, and caregiving in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina on November 11-13. The goal of the conference, “Fatherhood and Gender-Equitable Parenting in the Balkans: Practice, Policy and Research,” is to promote best practices and policies that support fathers and caregivers to be more actively …
In September and October, MenCare Bulgaria partner Association Roditeli launched its second educational workshop for teachers. Sixteen first-grade teachers from four schools in northwestern Bulgaria attended the workshop to discuss good practices for building closer connections between fathers, their children, and the school community. The first-grade teachers’ workshop is an extension of Association Roditeli’s work …