MenCare+ South Africa partner Mosaic hosted a “Father and Child Day” in Tafelsig, a community in Cape Town, on August 22, 2015. The community of Tafelsig is located within the broader suburb of Mitchells Plain, which is often featured in local and national news for gang violence, drug use and trade, high levels of unemployment, and absent …
MenCare launched the State of the World’s Fathers (SOWF) report in June 2015 in 10 cities around the world, and the report as a global advocacy tool has already begun to see results. In addition to its translations into over seven languages, in the Netherlands advocacy around SOWF led to the increase of paternity leave …
MenCare partner World Vision Lanka started MenCare programming in the Ambagamuwa Area Development Program (ADP) in 2012. It found that not only was the program successful in engaging men as fathers and caregivers and as partners in women’s empowerment, but that it also had positive effects on related economic, alcohol-abuse, and nutrition programing in the …
Four fathers in Sri Lanka who participated in MenCare describe the dramatic changes they made to their lives and relationships after joining fathers' groups in their communities, in World Vision Lanka's Ambagamuwa and Nuwara Eliya Area Development Programs. …
A group of 10 civil society members, UN Women staff, and government representatives traveled from Kenya to Rwanda for an exchange visit hosted by MenCare partner Rwanda Men’s Resource Center (RWAMREC). The objective was to learn good practices in SGBV prevention and response strategies, in male engagement, and in women’s empowerment. …
One of the major challenges faced by families in South Africa is father absence, which has significant implications for child and family wellbeing. Data from Statistics South Africa (2010) reveal that 48% of children in South Africa have absent fathers, while only 33% live with both parents. About 39% of children live with their mothers …