MenCare Bulgaria conducted a study assessing attitudes and norms around men’s participation in caregiving. Entitled "Attitudes, Practices, and Barriers to Active Men’s Engagement in Child Care," the study highlights the importance of the active involvement of men in children’s lives, and it aims to shed light on social norms related to gender roles in the household. …
From December 15-19, 2014, MenCare+ Indonesia held a training on male involvement in the health sector. Twelve participants from four provinces in Indonesia participated in this program. …
Join New America and Equimundo for an afternoon of discussions that explore how paternity leave policies benefit not only children and families, but also the bottom line of both businesses and countries. …
On December 5, 2014 in St. Petersburg, a forum entitled “Social Integration in the Changing World” brought together MenCare members from Russia, Belarus, and Scandinavia to raise awareness about domestic violence, and to discuss current practices and possibilities for bringing domestic violence to an end. Executive and legislative authorities; leaders and representatives from public organizations, …
The 5th International Colloquium on Men and Masculinities Studies, “Patriarchy in the 21st Century: Changes and Resistance,” attracted over 300 participants to Santiago, Chile from January 14-16, 2015. Seminars, debates, and panel discussions during the three-day event covered a range of topics related to men and masculinities, including gender-based violence, sexual and reproductive health and …
January 2015 has seen a large-scale distribution of new MenCare+ South Africa posters to partner organizations and stakeholders in the country, including health care facilities, psychosocial care providers, local government service providers, community-based organizations, and NGOs in support of the MenCare+ focus areas. The MenCare+ South Africa poster series is made up of six posters …