We’re excited to present the second installment of “MenCare Shares,” a new question-and-answer feature in our monthly newsletter! Last month, we asked partners and readers: When you’re working with fathers, what’s their favorite topic to discuss? “Their favorite topics to discuss are different tactics used to stop babies crying and how to handle teenage children.” …
On March 6-8, 2015, the Center for the Study of Men and Masculinities (CSMM) will host the International Conference on Masculinities: Engaging Men and Boys for Gender Equality in New York City. The Conference is timed to immediately precede the meeting of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) at the United Nations. CSMM …
This spring MenCare Vietnam organized a media campaign to prevent domestic violence in three provinces. The campaign has attracted thousands of participants, forming a widespread movement to prevent domestic violence in the country. …
On August 18, MenCare partners from around the world shared their expertise in a discussion about why men's involvement matters for maternal and newborn health. The event marked the 500 day milestone before the target date for achieving the Millennium Development Goals. …
The Red Peruana de Masculinidades announced the winners of its month-long fatherhood photography contest at the end of July. The nationwide competition aimed to increase visibility of fathers involved in housework and care work, and to promote models of fatherhood that are active, responsible, affectionate and gender equitable. …
Jean Pierre learned how taking more responsibility for housework and childcare has a positive impact for both him and his family, after participating in fathers groups through Rwanda’s MenCare+ project. …