Beginning on July 1, 2020, parental leave for partners has been extended in the Netherlands by five weeks. Up until 2019, partners and fathers only had two days of paid leave. …
Beginning on July 1, 2020, parental leave for partners has been extended in the Netherlands by five weeks. Up until 2019, partners and fathers only had two days of paid leave. …
On Friday, August 28 Sonke Gender Justice through MenCare South Africa and MenEngage Africa will be launching the MenCare in Africa Media Kit: a toolkit aimed at promoting men as caregivers and fathers by offering guidelines on how to use the power of the media within advocacy initiatives, educational programs, and media campaigns. The Media …
In Italy, as elsewhere, giving birth during COVID-19 has been a lonely and stressful event for many women, with fathers/partners being generally kept away. …
väter aktiv (active fathers), an organization in South Tyrol (Northern Italy), has conducted a survey to gain insight into the current situation of families (primarily fathers) as well as companies and organizations with regard to: changes in the general conditions, the reality of working from home, and the compatibility of family and work. …
Deeds Driven Dads, was recently honored by the historic Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) as Ambassador to the Sustainable Community Development Movement, a regional social and economic building initiative created in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, encompassing a myriad of sustainable community initiatives from innovative entrepreneurship to closing the digital divide. …
The Babe Locotfo campaign is a social media and in-person awareness campaign on positive fatherhood. Kwakha Indvodza through this campaign positively engages Eswatini men by actively encouraging and emphasizing the importance of a father’s role in the family. …