

White Ribbon launches new PSA: Men of Quality Stand Up for Gender Equality

White Ribbon Canada has recently joined efforts with the Toronto Maple Leafs, a local hockey club, to develop the Men of Quality Campaign. The campaign consists of a public service announcement featuring several prominent athletes and the club’s President describing what it means to be a “man of quality.”  The campaign was launched in the 

MenCare in 2019: A year in review

This year has seen many great achievements for MenCare: A Global Fatherhood Campaign. New partners from 14 countries joined the campaign, and partners from around the world shared their work, including from: Botswana, Bulgaria, Canada, the Caribbean, Georgia, Germany, Italy, Malaysia, the Netherlands, Nigeria, Paraguay, Rwanda, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Turkey, and the United States. The third State of 

Join us online for the MenCare Global Meeting 2019

MenCare partners and colleagues from around the world will come together from November 19-21 in Rabat, Morocco and via remote participation to develop a joint agenda to advance international and national advocacy efforts, share best practices and evidence, and develop new and innovative ways to achieve men’s equal partnership in unpaid care work.