World Vision Lanka’s Nuwara Eliya Area Development Program (ADP) in Sri Lanka conducted its annual graduation from the MenCare program in September 2016. After participating in sessions to build their parenting skills, a total of 150 fathers graduated from the program, modeled on MenCare’s Program P.
Family members of MenCare graduates attended the ceremony, which included a special moment to honor participants’ wives. On stage, each man gave a bookmark with purple orchids to his wife, signifying his respect and love for her. Many women were excited, commenting that it was the first time they had received such a meaningful gift.
At the graduation, women and children were also given time to share stories about the positive changes that had taken place in their families. Twelve-year-old Kabilashan shared the following story about his father:
“My father used to come home drunk every evening and shout at my mother and fight. He never did housework or helped my mother. But, now he comes home after work and prepares meals for us before my mother comes home. My father takes care of us. There is no shouting or fighting at home now. … He helps us too, now he is very good. I am very happy.”