World Vision Lanka’s Ambagamuwa Area Development Program (ADP) in Sri Lanka was the first in the country to carry out MenCare programming. Building on four years of experience, the Ambagamuwa ADP is now helping others begin work with fathers in new areas.
In July 2016, the Ambagamuwa ADP organized a two-day “Training of Trainers” program at the NCM Lanka Training and Rehabilitation Center in Hatton, Sri Lanka for 35 government officials. All of the participants were from the Vaharai divisional secretariat office, in eastern Sri Lanka.
An outside facilitator taught participants group facilitation techniques, while Ambagamuwa ADP Program Coordinator A. Nawakumar and a local trainer taught participants about MenCare’s goals and methodology.
MenCare coordinators from the Ambagamuwa ADP are optimistic that their partnership with the Vaharai divisional secretariat office – a government body – will help increase the sustainability of MenCare programming.