MenCare’s media campaigns, adapted around the world, inspire men, their families, and their communities to support men’s caregiving. MenCare provides global content and advice on adaptation for local organizations to use and tailor to their cultures and contexts. Partners have adapted and created TV advertisements, posters, slogans, photos, radio advertisements, and advertisements for local fathers’ groups.
From Brazil and Nicaragua, to Rwanda, South Africa, and Sri Lanka, MenCare partners have produced short films that tell powerful stories of men overcoming violence, childhood trauma, and combatting gender norms to become involved fathers and caregivers.
MenCare partners across five continents have made the campaign their own by creating and adapting posters to their contexts and cultures. The posters use images and positive messages that speak directly to fathers, encouraging dads to see themselves the way that their children see them: to see the potential, the importance, and the responsibilities of fatherhood.
In South Africa, MenCare partners use radio to talk about fatherhood, the current situation of fathers, and what it takes to be a great one. In Indonesia, celebrities have brought attention to the campaign on TV, while in Sri Lanka, televised spots have reached 40 percent of the country’s regular TV viewers.
Learn more about the media campaigns developed by MenCare partners by watching our films, viewing our posters, and exploring the latest campaign updates in our blog!