Building upon previous efforts to sustain fatherhood programming in the Ambagamuwa Area Development Program (ADP) in Sri Lanka, 70 participants from MenCare fathers’ groups have established an official body to continue MenCare community programming after current MenCare coordinator World Vision concludes its work in the area. In November, community members prepared a constitution, appointed officers, and registered the “Maskeliya MenCare Development Forum” under Sri Lanka’s Voluntary Social Service Organizations Act (No. 31 of 1980).
The importance of sustaining MenCare programming in the community is manifold. Children have immensely benefitted from MenCare, watching their fathers become more involved in their lives after participating in the program. Participants’ wives attest to the fact that their husbands have changed their lifestyles after attending MenCare trainings. Many community members who have not participated in MenCare activities have also begun to change after listening to and witnessing the new attitudes and behaviors of fathers who have participated in the fathers’ groups. In short, many fathers have not only embraced changes in their own lives, but have also inspired their communities. With the help of the MenCare Development Forum, this community-wide transformation will continue on.