"When I heard about [the Men and masculinities] group being launched I knew that Oxfam needed this, and now five years later I know that I needed it too.”
About Oxfam's Commitments
These policies are crucial as they help bridge the gap between Oxfam’s feminist values and its internal practices. By promoting care equality, Oxfam aims to reflect on and address power and patriarchy within its organizational culture, thereby enhancing its ability to fight inequality globally. It contributes to our commitment to be a feminist, anti-racist, decolonial organization in the making.
“[The program has] made the participants better people and leaders within the organization. It’s not about doing it for women. It’s about them being a better leader in the organization by active listening and self-accountability. And championing these issues. I see how they conduct themselves, how they behave with their teams, and how they are contributing to the strategy and the external vision. I feel that’s the biggest change. I don’t think we would have been able to do this without this group.”
Challenges and Solutions:
This is messy work. It takes time, intention, and learning. Oxfam has encountered challenges in aligning its expressed culture with the lived experience of its employees. A significant challenge is expanding the concept of care beyond parental leave to encompass a broader culture of care. To address these issues, Oxfam advocates for mutual learning and accountability, seeking to share its journey and learn from others in the field. Our commitment to MenCare 50/50 reflects this.
Contact Information:
For more details on Oxfam’s initiatives and their journey towards gender equality, please reach out to Sebastián Molano at sebastian.molano@oxfam.org.
Learn More:
Explore Oxfam’s comprehensive approach to gender justice and equality on their website.