Happy Mother’s Day!
From our partners in over 50 countries globally, today and every day we celebrate the incredible role that mothers play in the lives of their children. Whether you are a biological mother or an adoptive one, an aunt, grandmother, teacher, coach, or a role model to a child in your life, thank you for everything you do.
On Mother’s Day, and every day, we recognize all that mothers do, and we want to do our part to support moms worldwide. We know that although women make up about half of the work force, they’re still doing more than three times – and sometimes up to ten times – as much unpaid childcare and domestic work as men (and more unpaid and paid work combined).
How can we lighten moms’ loads, improve their health and well-being, and work to close the gender pay gap? To do so, we need to take action. There are so many types of families to celebrate – not all of which include a male figure or a father – but across communities and on a global scale, we need men on board as full allies in supporting women’s equality and as equal partners in taking on 50 percent of the caregiving, the dishwashing, the planning – and everything else it takes to keep a house, a family, and a society running.
Below are just a few ways our partners around the world are saying “Happy Mother’s Day.” Join the conversation on Facebook or Twitter to let us know how you are saying “Happy Mother’s Day” today and how you are advocating for equality in unpaid care work every day.