On December 8, 2023, MenCare, co-coordinated by Equimundo and Sonke Gender Justice, hosted the final webinar in the CARING series, “Generate and disseminate mainstream media that portrays men and boys as non-violent and equitable caregivers,” highlighting strategic recommendations from the State of the World’s Fathers report. In this webinar, our expert panelists discussed how men …
On November 3, 2023, MenCare hosted the fifth webinar in the CARING series, Normalize Equal Parental Leave, highlighting strategic recommendations from the State of the World’s Fathers report. Our expert panel includes parents, lawyers, and advocates with a wide range of experiences navigating and advancing access to paid parental leave, including advocates who worked on the groundbreaking case that just granted equal …
In case you missed it: CARING Webinar Series MenCare recently hosted the fourth webinar in the CARING series, “Invest in Care and Measure It, Disaggregated by Gender, Social Class, and Age,” highlighting strategic recommendations from the State of the World’s Fathers 2023 report, with speakers from the Center for Global Development, International Labour Organization, and World Bank. Watch the …
Boys who are taught as children how to care – for their homes and the people around them – grow up to be men who care for their families, and who believe that care work should be shared equally at home. When we asked Women Deliver participants what care looks like in their lives, we received …
On September 29, 2023, MenCare hosted the fourth webinar in the CARING series, “Invest in Care and Measure it Disaggregated by Gender, Social Class, and Age,” highlighting strategic recommendations from the State of the World’s Fathers report, featuring distinguished panelists from the World Bank, International Labour Organization, Center for Global Development, and Equimundo. About the …
It’s time for men to commit to doing a fairer share of the care work at home, and men around the world are being invited to do just that. With the MenCare 50/50 commitment, men can share how they show up as dedicated, present caregivers to their grandparents, parents, partners, community, children, etc. We know …