Community > Welcome to the MenCare discussion board! > Nice to see you here, please introduce yourself!


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Nice to see you here, please introduce yourself!

Welcome to the brand new MenCare discussion forum! We are so excited to launch this new platform for MenCare partners to engage on topics that matter to you. In this thread, we'd like you to introduce yourself and tell us something about yourself, the caring relationships in your life, and your MenCare related work.

Please tell us:

  • Who are you?
  • Who do you care for?
  • Who has cared for you?
  • Where are you based?
  • What kind of work do you do related to MenCare?

Please remember to go over to the other conversation on the forum and suggest a discussion topic.  

We will use your suggestions to start new conversation threads.

Once again welcome!

Deleted user has reacted to this post.
Deleted user

Hi all,

My name is Hannah and I am one of the moderators of the MenCare Discussion Forum. I am on the Communications team at Equimundo and I work on all digital things for MenCare. I am based in Washington, DC, USA and originally from Michigan, USA.

I am excited to get to know you all on here!

Wessel van den Berg and Deleted user have reacted to this post.
Wessel van den BergDeleted user

Nice to meet you. Now I am writing written works on medical subjects. I can’t cope on my own and took the help of specialists They were the ones who helped me cope with the work and get a high score. Reliable service that will always come to the rescue.