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Resources for fathers

Being a father – or father figure – is a joyful experience, but it doesn’t come without its challenges. Whether you are an expectant father, a new father, or a seasoned one, there is always a lot to learn and plenty of room to grow.

Below, we’re sharing some resources for fathers and father figures to ensure you feel supported and equipped to respond to your child’s needs – and your own.

Share these resources with other fathers and father figures you know.

Do you have any resources for fathers you'd like to share with others? Add them in the thread!

As a logo designer and a dad, I know that being a father is both fun and challenging. It's important to have support and resources to help us along the way.

Here are some great resources for fathers and father figures:

  • Let’s Talk About Raising Boys
  • Let’s Talk About Home Life
  • Action Steps for Parents to Support Boys
  • The Beautiful Struggle: A Father, Two Sons, and an Unlikely Road to Manhood
  • The Power of Presence: Be a Voice in Your Child’s Ear Even When You’re Not With Them