MenCare Partners’ Council Meeting: A photo recap

Earlier this year, members of the MenCare Partners’ Council met in Cape Town, South Africa to discuss key aspects of MenCare, to introduce the rebranded identity, and to chart the way forward for the campaign. It was also used as a moment to reconnect with global partners doing work to increase individual and structural commitments to equitable fatherhood and men’s caregiving. Want to know what the vibe was like?

Here’s a recap – in photos!

Members of the Partners’ Council gathered in Cape Town, South Africa to discuss the future of the MenCare campaign.
José Campi Portaluppi, Director of Communications and Advocacy at Equimundo, discusses the campaign’s communications strategy.
Setting community agreements for the meetings.
Members of the Partners’ Council representing EME, ACEV, Oxfam America, Sonke Gender Justice, Cómplices por la Igualdad, CES / Observatorio de Masculinidades, Plan International, Save the Children US, and Equimundo.
Pancho, Tatiana, Diana and Mpho enjoying their time together.
On the road: Partners’ Council members en route to one of the many events during the week of work.
Partners’ Council members spending time together throughout the week.
Wessel van den Berg, Senior Advocacy Officer at Equimundo, discussing the effects of parenting on women’s and men’s professional lives.
Pancho from EME / Cultura y Salud discussing MenCare activities in Latin America.