MenCare partner Fatherhood México is partnering with for-profit and nonprofit groups to raise awareness of the important role that fathers can play in their children’s lives, and of the benefits for families and communities when men are actively, responsibly involved in fatherhood and care.
Fatherhood México is currently collaborating with DadBox, a monthly subscription service providing materials and activities designed to promote child development and meaningful connection between fathers and their children. DadBox is an educational model intended to help parent become mentors for their children and to involve fathers in their children’s continuous education and development.
The model teaches fathers how to engage with their children through technology, innovation, soft skills, and empowerment. Each of these areas builds skills through six steps: (1) think and resolve, (2) imagine, (3) build, (4) experiment, (5) discover and explore, and (6) play. Fatherhood México is working with DadBox on the project to provide technical advice related engaging men in fatherhood and caregiving, and the impact that this can have for children.
Fatherhood México is also collaborating with the Fatherhood Project, a nonprofit fatherhood program in the Department of Psychiatry at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) that serves as an official consultant organization for Fatherhood México. On May 11-13, 2018, Fatherhood México and the Fatherhood Project will participate in the first “Cumbre Internacional de Ciudades Resilientes” (“International Summit of Resilient Cities,” in English), at which the Fatherhood Project’s Executive Director Raymond Levy is a keynote speaker, presenting work to promote equitable fatherhood practices and men’s active caregiving.