
Sub-Saharan Africa

Fathers March for Zero Infection in South Africa

A man in South Africa holds his baby daughter and a banner about involved fatherhood at the march for the International Conference on AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Infections in Africa

This month, MenCare+ South Africa fathers and family members participated in a march during the International Conference on AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Infections in Africa (ICASA). The march was launched as a call for care, treatment and prevention for all. Local MenCare+ fathers emphasized that the struggle to reach zero infection would include equitable parenting 

Dolls for dads in Rwanda

Rwandan woman with a doll from Dolls for Dads

By: Kate Doyle About 150 hand-made dolls are on their way to being used in the MenCare+ program, a four-country initiative to engage men as caregiving partners in sexual and reproductive health, especially maternal and child health. In Rwanda, Equimundo and the Rwanda Men’s Resource Center (RWAMREC) aim to involve more than 2,000 Rwanda men 

Parenting extended family in a post-conflict country

An extended family in Sub-Saharan Africa

By Tamba David Mackieu In many countries the world over, especially in sub-Saharan Africa, the majority of families constitute many adults, both male and female, and children who are related to the father or wife (wives) in various ways. It can also be a combination of children from previous homes or from people, who were 

One man can provide care: Small steps to success

Parents and children at MenCare South Africa's parent's day

A success story from the MenCare program. Although many of the activities that will ultimately make up the MenCare program are still in their infancy, one story from the MenCare Southern Africa program has stood out for us as an inspiring example of what it can achieve. A recent focus group discussion for the program