
Europe and Central Asia

New Latvian campaign promotes active fatherhood

A father in an apron sits next to his daughter, who is painting his nails.

MenCare Latvia’s coordinator Center Dardedze launched a national campaign in Latvia called “It is an Art to Be a Father” as part of its ongoing activities to promote fathers’ engagement in caregiving. The aim of the campaign, held from December 2014 to March 2015, was to promote active fatherhood by showing its impact on a child’s life. The campaign included posters and a video that illustrate positive father-child relationships and their impact. 

MenCare welcomes new partners in Pakistan, Portugal, and Switzerland

MenCare is excited to welcome new country partners in Pakistan, Portugal, and Switzerland to the global campaign! Equimundo-Europe in Portugal, and the Swiss Institute of Masculinities and Gender Issues in Switzerland, and the AMAL Human Development Network in Pakistan joined MenCare this year to work on research and community campaigns that support men’s active involvement in fatherhood and caregiving. 

International conference in Russia considers factors that impact involved fatherhood

At the International Conference on Family and Child Integration in St. Petersburg on March 26, MenCare Russia’s coordinator Nikolai Eremin discussed the ways in which MenCare programming works to engage men in healthy, active ways in the lives of their children and families. Conference participants considered both the individual and structural factors that impact fathers’ involvement in caregiving and household work. 

Caring for Equality: Ending prenatal sex selection in Armenia

Caring for Equality Manual cover photo to end prenatal sex selection in Armenia.

Prenatal sex selection is a blatant form of gender-based violence. In Armenia, inequalities that contribute to this practice often persist in the home. To prevent this harmful practice and to promote greater gender equality, World Vision Armenia, Equimundo, and MenCare recently launched a manual to work with youth and couples to critically examine and transform underlying social norms that contribute to prenatal sex selection.