

MenCare partners launch adaptation of Program P for Bolivia

Program P – Bolivia

In December 2016, MenCare partners launched Program P Bolivia, an adaptation of MenCare’s Program P methodology, specific to the context of El Alto, Bolivia. Program P, named for “padre” in Spanish and “pai” in Portuguese, meaning “father,” provides concrete strategies and activities to engage men in active fatherhood from their partners’ pregnancies through their children’s 

Equimundo and partners promote men’s caregiving during Father’s Month in Brazil

Equimundo's booth at an event hosted by SECONCI-Rio.

In Brazil, Father’s Day is celebrated each year on the second Sunday of August. This year, Equimundo and other MenCare partners in Brazil used the month of August to raise awareness about the importance of men’s positive involvement in fatherhood and caregiving. Throughout the month, Você é meu Pai, which is the Brazilian adaptation of the global MenCare campaign